Proper of the Mass

for Sundays and Feasts

in Proportional Rhythm

Note Values and Their Equivalents in Modern Notation

Rudiments of Gregorian Chant

This is a work in progress, updated regularly.  The Sunday Masses from the beginning of the church year through Michaelmas are the most up to date (not including Sundays after Pentecost that are replaced by a feast or external solemnity in the United States in 2024).  Please notify me of any errors you find: organistAL at aol dot com

Dropbox folder of all chant PDFs - useful to sort by type, mode, and name, or to search by title

Except when Christmas Day is a Monday (and Epiphany is a Saturday), the first Sunday of Advent is the sixth Sunday before Epiphany.

First Sunday of Advent

   Trope   Introit   Gradual   Alleluia   Offertory   Communion

Second Sunday of Advent

   Introit   Gradual   Alleluia   Offertory   Communion

Third Sunday of Advent

   Introit   Gradual   Alleluia   Offertory   Communion

Fourth Sunday of Advent

   Introit   Gradual   Alleluia   Offertory   Communion

*Christmas Eve - may fall (and take precedence) on the Fourth Sunday of Advent

   Introit   Gradual   Alleluia   Offertory   Communion

*Christmas Midnight

   Introit   Gradual   Alleluia   Offertory   Communion

*Christmas Dawn

   Introit   Gradual   Alleluia   Offertory   Communion

*Christmas Day

   Introit   Gradual   Alleluia   Offertory   Communion

Sunday within the Octave of Christmas

   Introit   Gradual   Alleluia   Offertory   Communion

Octave of Christmas (New Year's Day)

   Introit   Gradual   Alleluia   Offertory   Communion

Holy Name - Sunday between January 2 & 5 inclusive

   Introit   Gradual   Alleluia   Offertory   Communion


   Introit   Gradual   Alleluia   Offertory   Communion

Holy Family

   Introit   Gradual   Alleluia   Offertory   Communion

Second Sunday after Epiphany

   Introit   Gradual   Alleluia   Offertory   Communion

Third through Last Sundays after Epiphany

   Introit   Gradual   Alleluia   Offertory   Communion

Septuagesima is the ninth Sunday before Easter and the sixteenth before Pentecost; earliest possible date: January 18; latest: February 22.


   Introit   Gradual   Tract   Offertory   Communion


   Introit   Gradual   Tract   Offertory   Communion


   Introit   Gradual   Tract   Offertory   Communion

*Ash Wednesday

   Introit   Gradual   Tract   Offertory   Communion

First Sunday in Lent

   Introit   Gradual   Tract   Offertory   Communion

Second Sunday in Lent

   Introit   Gradual   Tract   Offertory   Communion

Third Sunday in Lent

   Introit   Gradual   Tract   Offertory   Communion

Fourth Sunday in Lent

   Introit   Gradual   Tract   Offertory   Communion

Passion Sunday

   Introit   Gradual   Tract   Offertory   Communion

Palm Sunday

   Introit   Gradual   Tract   Offertory   Communion

*Holy Thursday

   Introit   Gradual   Offertory   Communion

*Good Friday

   Tract (Responsory) I   Tract (Responsory) II   Ecce lignum   Reproaches   Antiphon I   Hymn Crux fidelis   Antiphon II   Antiphon III   Antiphon IV   Hymn Vexilla Regis

*Easter Vigil

   Tract (Canticle) I   Tract (Canticle) II   Tract (Canticle) III   Tract (Canticle) IV   Alleluia   Tract V   Ps. 150   Antiphon & Benedictus 

Easter Sunday

   Introit   Gradual   Alleluia   Sequence   Offertory   Communion

Low Sunday

   Introit   Alleluia I   Alleluia II   Offertory   Communion

Second Sunday after Easter

   Introit   Alleluia I   Alleluia II   Offertory   Communion

Third Sunday after Easter

   Introit   Alleluia I   Alleluia II   Offertory   Communion

Fourth Sunday after Easter

   Introit   Alleluia I   Alleluia II   Offertory   Communion

Fifth Sunday after Easter

   Introit   Alleluia I   Alleluia II   Offertory (commentary on the Vatican edition)   Communion


   Introit   Alleluia I   Alleluia II   Offertory   Communion

Sunday after Ascension

   Introit   Alleluia I   Alleluia II   Offertory   Communion

Pentecost (Whitsunday)

   Introit   Alleluia I   Alleluia II   Sequence   Offertory   Communion

Trinity Sunday

   Introit   Gradual   Alleluia   Offertory   Communion

*Corpus Christi - in the United States: external solemnity on the second Sunday after Pentecost

   Introit   Gradual   Alleluia   Sequence   Offertory   Communion

Second Sunday after Pentecost - in the United States: replaced by the external solemnity of Corpus Christi unless there be more than one Sung Mass in the same church

   Introit   Gradual   Alleluia   Offertory   Communion

*Sacred Heart - external solemnity on the third Sunday after Pentecost

   Introit   Gradual   Alleluia   Tract (for Votive Masses after Septuagesima)  Alleluia II (for Votive Masses in Eastertide)   Offertory   Offertory (for Votive Masses in Eastertide)   Communion   Communion (for Votive Masses in Eastertide)   

Third Sunday after Pentecost - replaced by the external solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus unless there be more than one Sung Mass in the same church

   Introit   Gradual   Alleluia   Offertory   Communion

Fourth Sunday after Pentecost

   Introit   Gradual   Alleluia   Offertory   Communion

Fifth Sunday after Pentecost

   Introit   Gradual   Alleluia   Offertory   Communion

Sixth Sunday after Pentecost

   Introit   Gradual   Alleluia   Offertory   Communion

Seventh Sunday after Pentecost

   Introit   Gradual   Alleluia   Offertory   Communion

Eighth Sunday after Pentecost

   Introit   Gradual   Alleluia   Offertory   Communion

Ninth Sunday after Pentecost

   Introit   Gradual   Alleluia   Offertory   Communion

Tenth Sunday after Pentecost

   Introit   Gradual   Alleluia   Offertory   Communion

Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost

   Introit   Gradual   Alleluia   Offertory   Communion

Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost

   Introit   Gradual   Alleluia   Offertory   Communion

Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost

   Introit   Gradual   Alleluia   Offertory   Communion

Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost

   Introit   Gradual   Alleluia   Offertory   Communion

Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost

   Introit   Gradual   Alleluia   Offertory   Communion

Depending on the date of Easter, October may encompass four or five of the sixteenth through the twenty-fourth Sundays after Pentecost.  The first Sunday is the external solemnity of Our Lady of the Rosary (Rosary Sunday), and the last is the feast of Christ the King.

Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost

   Introit   Gradual   Alleluia   Offertory   Communion

Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost

   Introit   Gradual   Alleluia   Offertory (transposed edition; the same chant without melodic corrections)   Communion

Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost

   Introit   Gradual   Alleluia   Offertory   Communion

Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost

   Introit   Gradual   Alleluia   Offertory   Communion

Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost

   Introit   Gradual   Alleluia   Offertory   Communion

Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost

   Introit   Gradual   Alleluia   Offertory   Communion

Twenty-Second Sunday after Pentecost

   Introit   Gradual   Alleluia   Offertory   Communion

Twenty-Third through Last Sundays after Pentecost

   Introit   Gradual   Alleluia   Offertory   Communion

      handout with English translation and notes (updated 4/26/24)

      Vatican edition with added rhythmic markings and commentary (updated 4/26/24)

*Not a Sunday (or at least not necessarily)


Immaculate Conception - December 8; may fall on the Second Sunday of Advent

   Introit   Gradual   Alleluia   Offertory   Communion

Candlemas (2nd class) - February 2; may fall (and take precedence) on a Sunday, and may fall as late as the Monday after Quinquagesima (i.e., two days before Ash Wednesday)

   Introit   Gradual   Alleluia (before Septuagesima)   Tract (after Septuagesima)   Offertory   Communion

St. Joseph - March 19

   Introit   Gradual   Tract   Offertory   Communion

Annunciation - March 25

   Introit   Gradual   Tract   Alleluia I (in Eastertide)   Alleluia II (in Eastertide)   Offertory   Communion

St. Joseph the Workman - May 1; may fall (and take precedence) on a Sunday

   Introit   Alleluia I   Alleluia II   Offertory   Communion

Nativity of St. John the Baptist - June 24; may fall (and take precedence) on a Sunday

   Introit   Gradual   Alleluia   Offertory   Communion

Ss. Peter & Paul - June 29; in the United States: external solemnity on the Sunday following the feast (unless the feast itself fall on Sunday)

   Introit   Gradual   Alleluia   Offertory   Communion

Precious Blood - July 1; may fall (and take precedence) on a Sunday

   Introit   Gradual   Alleluia   Offertory   Communion

Transfiguration (2nd class) - August 6; may fall (and take precedence) on a Sunday

   Introit   Gradual   Alleluia   Offertory   Communion

Assumption (after 1950) - August 15; may fall (and take precedence) on a Sunday

   Introit   Gradual   Alleluia   Offertory   Communion

Assumption (traditional) - August 15; may fall (and take precedence) on a Sunday

   Introit   Gradual   Alleluia (same as above)   Offertory   Communion

Holy Cross (2nd class) - September 14; may fall (and take precedence) on a Sunday

   Introit   Gradual   Alleluia   Offertory   Communion

Michaelmas - September 29; may fall (and take precedence) on a Sunday

   Introit   Gradual   Alleluia   Offertory   Communion

Our Lady of the Rosary (2nd class) - October 7; external solemnity on the first Sunday in October

   Introit   Gradual   Alleluia   Offertory   Communion

Christ the King - last Sunday in October

   Introit   Gradual   Alleluia   Offertory   Communion

All Saints - November 1; may fall (and take precedence) on a Sunday

   Introit   Gradual   Alleluia   Offertory   Communion

Dedication of the Archbasilica of Our Savior (2nd class) - November 9; may fall (and take precedence) on a Sunday

   Introit   Gradual   Alleluia   Offertory   Communion


Additional Masses:

Nuptial Mass

   Introit   Gradual   Alleluia   Tract (after Septuagesima)   Alleluia II (in Eastertide)   Offertory   Communion

Requiem Mass & Burial Rites

   Entrance Responsory   Introit   Gradual (historical)   Gradual (Tridentine)   Tract   Sequence (solfege exercise with Solesmes rhythmic markings)   Offertory   Communion   Absolution Responsory   Antiphon


Also to be included: Rorate Mass; Our Lady of Guadalupe (Dec. 12); St. Stephen (Dec. 26); Ember Friday & Saturday in Lent; Easter Monday, Friday, & Saturday; Rogation Mass; Pentecost Monday; Ember Friday & Saturday after Pentecost; Chair of St. Peter (Feb. 22); St. Thomas Aquinas (Mar. 7); Visitation (July 2); Immaculate Heart (Aug. 22) & First Saturday Votive Mass; St. Pius X (Sep. 3)


Gloria Patri Tones

   I   II   III   IV   V   VI   VII   VIII   IX (Ia)   X (IIa)   XII (VIc)

Before the Principal Sunday Mass:

   Asperges   Vidi aquam